Plan Your Trip to Nairobi With Special Fare

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  • November 14, 2016
  • 6 min read

On the African continent, sit plenty of goodies that many a traveler and vacationer want to catch a glimpse of. If say you are planning your trip to Nairobi with special fare for the first time, there are certain places to visit and this should get you thinking of countries which make up Africa and […]

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Best Time to Travel in Lome, Nigeria

  • admin
  • October 14, 2016
  • 6 min read

Why Travel to Lomé? Lomé is the capital of Togo. Togo is a small and charming country of Africa that is home to more than 40 tribes that are living together to create a vibrant, relaxed and culturally rich country. While you can easily drive along Togo in an hour or two, it’ll take you […]

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Top Ten Cities of South Africa For Vacation

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  • March 2, 2016
  • 2 min read

South Africa is one of the most beautiful and attractive country. South Africa has some most glorious cities  for travel and vacation.  Below is the list of the top 10 cities of South Africa. 1. Cape Town, Western Cape Renowned united of the foremost lovely cities within the world, this seashore playground has it all. […]

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Top 10 Reasons To Go To South Africa

  • admin
  • January 20, 2016
  • 2 min read

South Africa  is beautiful country.  Everyone want to visit South Africa. I am sharing with you top 10 reasons to go to South Africa.  Let’s have a look below 1. Cheap Throughout these robust times, United Nations agency doesn’t wish a reasonable holiday? In African country, you’ll even afford luxury and have hard currency for […]

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Kenya is safe and open for business,” per the African country business Board (KTB). The business board is presently facing associate uphill battle making an attempt to sell African country as a secure tourer destination amid raised terror threats, with the newest being the Garissa University school attack that left 148 dead. The U.S. government […]

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Discovering Nigeria in its Parks, and Beyond the Beauty

  • admin
  • December 23, 2015
  • 4 min read

Although Nigeria doesn’t have the most effective name as travelers typically associate the country with corruption, scams and crime, it’s a real business gem with best natural beauty, an upscale cultural history and spirited cities. Nigeria is located with the western coastal region of the African continent. Its capital town, Lagos, has become a business […]

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Top 5 Safest Cities For Vacation In Nigeria

  • admin
  • October 28, 2015
  • 3 min read

You must be wondering if visiting in Nigeria is safe or not as its cities have been witness to double the crime rates and political upheavals, but there are many cities too which are beautiful and we can bet are safe for the tourists. And here is a list of some of them. Abuja It […]

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Few Travel Tips To The Land Of Africa

  • admin
  • July 7, 2015
  • 4 min read

From skiing in Morocco to watching Gorillas, there are many wonders to unfold in Africa.  If it is your first-time plan into its lands, your preparation starts with deciding “Where in Africa”.  If there are many snowy mountains for the fun of skiing, there are beaches and hot desserts too and above all wildlife.  In […]

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