Plan Your Trip to Nairobi With Special Fare

On the African continent, sit plenty of goodies that many a traveler and vacationer want to catch a glimpse of. If say you are planning your trip to Nairobi with special fare for the first time, there are certain places to visit and this should get you thinking of countries which make up Africa and have the best to offer in terms of attraction sites and more. Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya. Kenya sits on the edge of East of Africa, bordering Ethiopia to the South and Tanzania to the North. Other countries that border Kenya are the landlocked Uganda to the west and Sudan to the northwest. What makes Kenya a place of interest to any vacationer is its proximity to the Indian Ocean. In fact, the Ocean straddles some parts of Kenya’s mainland to South West in towns and cities like Mombasa, Malindi and Kilifi.  For a traveler who wants to have a good time in Kenya, planning a trip should therefore take into account a need to be in these parts that are known for white sandy beaches and state of the art tourist resorts. For example, Malindi has over the years become known as Italian beach given the large influx of Italians to this coastal town. In fact, some of them have a stake in tourist attraction sites and hotels here; and this is very telling of what one should expect in terms of state of the art catering and resorts. Italian cousins are a favorite for many across the world and you can very well have a taste of them, right in Malindi Kenya. Then there is the capital city Nairobi. Of course visiting Kenya’s capital wouldn’t be enough if you don’t take ride south eastwards to its coastal towns aforementioned.

Famously known as a city in the sun, Nairobi’s glamorous and if landing here has always proved expensive, it is time to explore cheaper travel options available in Houston Texas. The question is; why would anyone want to take flight to Nairobi?  A recent visit by US president Barack Obama was dubbed homecoming because history has it that his ancestral routes are traceable to this part of the world, something he has captured in his book, ‘Dreams from my father.’ Nairobi is also known for a number of reasons and one such, which is hard to ignore is that it is one of the few cities in the world with a national park sitting right at its heart. In fact, once you land in Nairobi Kenya, you wouldn’t even need to a cab to be in Nairobi National Park. It is a simply a few minutes’ walk from major Hotels like Laico Regency and Intercontinental. There are also plenty of other parks to see such as the historical Uhuru Park. Maasai Mara game reserve is just a few kilometers away and so is Hell’s gate national reserve. Catching a glimpse of the renowned Maasai culture is therefore best witnessed by visiting these places including a peak at Nandi escarpment and the Great Rift Valley on the edge of Nairobi. In this post, we guide you through some ways through which to acquire special fares to Nairobi from Houston, Texas, so take a look further for insights.

Catch Kenya’s spectacular wildebeest migration in time with special tickets in advance booking

Between July and September, a seventh wonder of the world, dubbed as the Wildebeest migration usually takes place in Kenya’s Maasai Mara game reserve and end ups in Tanzania’s Serengeti game reserve. A cheaper way and perhaps the only way to make it just on time to catch a glimpse of this breathtaking phenomenon would be to book advance tickets to Nairobi, Kenya. Advance tickets from Houston Texas come in options worth exploring and get to travel cheaply like never before. This usually depends on how early you book your flight. For say a week’s advance booking, ticket prices to Nairobi are usually pegged at an average cost of $733. A two week advance ticketing goes for an average of $731 and this is spreads down to a three week’s advance ticketing. If you are planning your vacation trip to the Mara in advance of two to three months, spending an all time low airfare of about $726 is an offer you are set to enjoy. Therefore, avoid last minute rush ticket booking which could cost you an all time high of up to $900.

Cheapest days of the week to land in Nairobi

From Houston to Nairobi, travelling cheaply also depends on which day of the week you want to go airborne. It is way expensive to travel during weekends because quite often, it counts as last ticket booking whereby ticket prices start from $739 to as high as $900. The cheapest day to travel is therefore on Mondays when airfare to Nairobi fall to $731 compared to the average regular flight cost of $733.

Choosing between connection versus direct trip flights

Travelling by air is premised on among other options prices that come with either round trip or connection flights. If you want to travel the cheap way to Nairobi from Houston, Texas, you can save up to 60% on air ticketing alone. Round trips usually cost an average of $1,372 compared to direct flights that are usually pegged at average ticket costs of $1,843.

Shop for cheap airfare based on airline

From Lufthansa, Air France, Kenya Airways, British Airways, Delta Airlines to KLM airlines, travelling to Nairobi in terms of ticket prices also vary depending on which airline you go for. While it could cost you up to $954 on Emirates, $831 on British airways and as high as $1,020 when you opt for Etihad airways, cheaper options like KLM which is pegged around $778, $780 on Air France and $752 for major airlines are an option worth going for if you are looking into making some quick savings and cost cutting on travel expenses. These are actually pegged on the averaged flight cost usually at $733. It also depends on onboard services such as customer care experience.

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