Make A Trip to Nigeria in December with Lowest Flight Tickets

Once again the year is fast coming to an end and this is the time that people from all walks of life are planning a never before vacation to their favorite world destinations.  The year 2016 should therefore pass as a maiden chance to set foot in Africa’s wild and enjoy the glamour that the black continent has gathered in the centuries gone by. What’s more is that once you set foot on Africa’s soil, the sun is a sure spectacular sight to catch a glimpse of as it rises from the eastern horizon and sets in the western horizon in a never before seen way.  During these times, the glamour of the shadows that the sun casts across the land so dominated with the beauty of Mother Nature will leave you in awe that you might end up taking longer than you had planned for a flight back. Fast forward to specifics and we take a nosedive into the Igbo land.  Naira land remains a place many only dream of when it comes to making a trip to Africa’s best travel destinations. In fact, there is so much to see in this part of the world that even a month’s stay may not be enough to catch a glimpse of them all. This is why a trip after trip would be the most ideal way to go because; first, it will leave in you, a lot of expectations and secondly, it will see to it that your preliminary trips are taken down the memory lane where the sightings and admiration for Africa’s wild will reside forever.

Over the years, Nigeria has created an image for itself as not only a country that boast of preservation of its native cultures as witnessed in its various indigenous communities but also  as one of the biggest economies and fast developing nations on Africa’s soil. In fact, any thought of Africa would be incomplete without Nigeria coming into the picture. Nigeria sits on Africa’s western side of the continent and with so many equatorial rainforest dotting its land, there is so much in the wild that any traveler or tourist would find compelling to take pictures of and with.  The Famous Nigerian attire is also something you will see almost everywhere and perhaps a good way to catch a good feel of it would be to wear one yourself. Nigeria’s film industry, popularly known as Nollyhood has made its impact felt, and because the Nollyhood stars always have a say in Nigeria’s affair, a good experience in this part of the world should therefore see you set a date for eye to eye interactions with top actors and actresses. Further, Nigeria boast of some of the most developed cities in Africa and even in the world. This should get you thinking of Abuja, Lagos, Maiduguri and more. Plan a trip to this part of the world and see for yourself. This brings us to the gist of this post, in which we try to find for you cheapest travel tickets to Lagos, Nigeria during December. Hereafter are some great choices to pick from.

Direct flights versus round trip flights

Conventionally, direct flights have always been on the higher side of average travel costs to Nigeria when compared to round or connection flights.  Well, if you are planning a trip to Nigeria this coming December, this is certainly an option worth exploring so that you can determine which way cheaper.

In precision, when you take a direct flight to whichever part of Nigeria you want to land on; mostly its major airports, you should be ready to part with an average ticket price of $3,530. This is way high compared to taking a connection or in other words, round trip flights which usually cost an average of $1,780.  The difference between the two options is a whooping $1750 which could as well get you a flight back. Being that you will be travelling in December; a month popular with endless festivities, catching a glimpse of some of the best destinations can be achieved through connection/ round trip flights.

One way versus return tickets

More often than not, it costs way cheaper when you opt for return tickets. Another good thing about return tickets is that they save you a lot of time when returning home as compared to the inconveniences usually marring one way tickets whereby you will have to  make travel arrangements once again including shopping for best ticket prices and ticket offers. A return ticket would therefore cost you averagely about the same price as round trips or even on the lower side.

Best times to book your tickets

When it comes to travelling to any part of the world cheaply, you should never forget to explore the option of time. Here, the big question is; what time is best when looking for discounted flight tickets to Nigeria? Experienced travelers have varied opinion when it comes to this. However, this largely depends on such factors as travelling in a business class or economy class. Well, booking your tickets to Nigeria during odd hours and especially odd hours has been established as the cheapest option anyone looking for affordable travel should opt for. Odd hours in this regard take into account week hours of the morning starting from around midnight when airlines are preparing for the next business day. You are sure to get ridiculously low prices because during such times, possibilities of some travelers cancelling their flights are always high, which means empty seats are sold off at low prices.  It is therefore a good time to make a killing out of air ticketing.

With all these taken into account, December flights come alongside a range of flight offers because passengers are many and especially those going home for holidays and those going to Nigeria as tourists. December is a boom period for airlines and you should never be worried of getting aboard a plane on the cheaper side of things because often, a range of offers are available.

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