Dakar is the largest and capital city of a West African country, Senegal. The city in the western most side of the African continent is vibrant with its lively street life, bustling markets and amazing weather. You can stroll around the city from villas to it’s under privileged areas. Travelling around Dakar can give you amazing experiences once get to the vintage point of Las Mellas from where you can see the African Renaissance Monument. The monument is known for being bigger than statue of Liberty in New York City.

Enjoy the sights of majestic architecture from the colonial times of history and see how it has been merged with the modern buildings in the city. The city is also culturally rich in terms of its music. Loval and international music is deeply embedded in the culture of the city and Just 4 U is a place for music lovers to have a breathtaking live musical experience.

Dakar also has large number of markets. You will find a market at every few steps, at every square even if it’s just about few stall holders displaying their products. If you are heading to one of the markets in Dakar, don’t forget to taste the traditional drink ‘bissap’ which is made from hibiscus leaves. It’s really awesome!

You will see locals in Dakar going to restaurants a lot since they are find of their traditional food. Taste the amazing food, collect souvenirs for your friends back home, and share Dakar memories. Book your tickets today.

Fly to Dakar and find the Medina art walled in the streets of cities. These busiest streets of the city are vibrant and offer to see local colors in the art drawn everywhere. You can see the Grand Mosque, local food stalls, carpet sellers, handicrafts items, rather everything detailed through the local art of Medina. The art and cultural centers and institutes let people enjoy the film shows, exhibitions and art festivals throughout the year.

Dakar has warm weather round the year and has dry season much more than it has rainy season. Even though the city has warm weather, sea breeze keeps the city cooler throughout the year as compared to rest of Africa. The city hosts variety of festivals throughout the city, so consider looking at the dates of festivals for the year you are planning to travel to Dakar. The popular ones are traditional dance festival and International Arts festival.

Most of the travelers try to book their flights during famous festivals season or during school break in summers or winters, which adds to the prices of flights and accommodation costs within the city. Moreover, the peak times of summer and rainy season may attract travelers according to their choice can generally raise prices as compared to usual. The best tip for this is to book your flights months prior to your departure so that you don’t miss important festivals and get to make most out of your trip. Find cheap flights to Dakar and plan for your trip today.

Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport (DKR) is the only airport serving Dakar, Senegal. Though this airport is not very big, another airport will more space and even better facilities is on its way to open soon. It will entertain more traffic than today’s airport. The best way to travel to and from airport in Dakar is to hire a taxi. Booking a taxi for airport transfers in advance saves you a lot of effort after you have confirmed your flights to Dakar. You’ll know the confirmed taxi fare beforehand. Even if you haven’t booked the taxi in advance, you can go to official taxi stand and hire a cab immediately.

The local transport system is not very good in the city. There are buses than can take you to places but there is no proper transport schedule and stops are not identified. It’s always best option to rent a car on your own and visit places. It can save your time and you can feel relaxed.

Senegal is famous for its special food Ceebu Jen which is made of rice, carrot, onion, garlic and a sweet sauce. People of Dakar love Ceebu Jen. There are dishes made of peanuts, goat meat, seafood, fish and local kebabs. You can easily find variety of food when moving in the streets of Dakar. The city has a lot of street food to serve the travelers. Attaya is the local tea of Senegal, which has a lot of sugar in it. Diabetics, beware! You can taste some deliciously amazing foods when in Dakar. Look for discounted fares to Dakar, here. Get onboard and enjoy the tastefulness of Senegal.

Once you have confirmed your Dakar flights, you will be next looking for accommodation. There are plenty of accommodation options in the city and surprisingly, they are not cheap at all. You will be charged highly due to the European trend being followed in the country. There are fancy luxurious hotels with private beaches. These posh hotels are expensive but offer you various luxury options. Whether on the seaside or in the center of the city, hostels are quite rare in the city and are hard to find.

Many travelers opt for the less expensive way of living on their trip to Dakar. They choose to live with local families who are willing to host guests in return for money. After booking your air ticket to Dakar, you can run a search on internet and browse through various websites that have contacts of families willing to serve as host families.

Find best travel deals and greatly discounted fares to Dakar, Senegal and explore the West African culture. Relax at one of the beaches near the city or enjoy a leisure walk around the city through its busiest markets by booking your cheap flight to Dakar today!

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