There are so many different travel agencies operating in Houston, but not all of them offer the same kind of service. Each offers a different set of services, and different quality of service. With so many options to choose from, it can easily become overwhelming to choose the right one.

That’s why we advise you always spend some time researching the agency that you’ll doing business with.

Here’s some points you should be looking at when you’re looking to find a Reputable Travel Agency in Houston:

Look at Reviews

When you’re looking to work with a company especially a travel agency always look at the reviews on their social media pages. This will give you a good idea about how the company treats its clients. Look at reviews on different sources such as the website, social media pages, review websites etc.

Never work with a company that has a lower rating than 4 on a scale of 5. Est International Travels and Tours enjoys a good rating on all our social media pages and review websites. We care for our clients, and our clients love doing business with us.

You don’t have to take our word for it. You can verify it yourself on our social media pages and yelp.


Experienced companies know what they’re doing. They’ve been in the field long enough to know what works and what works. They’ll be able to provide better value for money than newer companies. Since the experienced companies have been in the market for years, they’ll have contracts with other companies and thus they’ll be able to provide your streamlined services.

Remember cheaper isn’t always better, safety comes first and many new companies especially the ones offering cheap rates may not be able to cater to safety as an experienced company can.

If you’re thinking about travelling to Africa, you won’t find a better travel agency in Houston than Est International Travel and Tours. Why? Because we’ve been in the market for decades. We are well connected, and thus we’re able to offer you discounted rates without compromising on quality.

Customer Support

Travel is unpredictable, while a good travel agency does its best to make travel as comfortable and as predictable as possible but there’s always a possibility that some unexpected problem may come up.  This is why it is necessary that the travel agency you work with offers 24/7 customer support. You should be able to reach them anytime, anywhere.

We at Est International Travel & Tours are available 24/7 to serve our clients. Our customers and their comfort is our first priority. If you’re travelling with us, you’re our responsibility and we don’t take our responsibility lightly.

Discounts and Pricing Packages

If a company meets all the above criteria the next thing that you should be evaluating is their discounts and pricing packages. All companies have different linkages and thus they’ll be offering different packages. Compare the pricing of different companies, and pick the company that’s offering the least price on most value. Please note, we’re not suggesting you pick the cheapest company. Rather we’re suggesting that you pick a company that offers a company that offers most value in least price. There’s a difference!

For those who’re travelling to Africa, the reputable agency in Houston that they’re looking for is us. We’ve several packages offering high quality but low fare travel to Africa. Our discounted African safari packages are the best ones in the area, you don’t have to take our word for it your research will prove that. Whether you’re travelling to Nigeria, Tanzania, Cameroon, Nairobi or pretty much anywhere else in Africa. You won’t find a better fares than us anywhere else.

Helps in Procuring Visa

It’s always a good idea to find a company that makes it easy for you to get your visa approved. Getting a Visa especially if you’re travelling to countries like Nigeria can be quite complex. Having your agency sort that out for you can really save you from a lot of trouble. It’s a lot quicker as well. Because an experienced company has links with the local consulate, they can get the job done a lot quicker than individuals applying themselves.

For those who’re travelling to Nigeria, we also provide Nigerian visa. Anyone who’s travelled to Nigeria knows that getting the Nigerian visa is no easy task. Feel free to contact us anytime.

Social Work

If you can travel the world and make the world a better place at the same time then why not? Look for companies that are involved in social work and CSR activities. If they care enough to give back to the society they’re definitely going to value you a lot as a client.

Est International Travel & Tours has been involved in social work for decades. We’ve been involved in many social causes in Nigeria for many years. We’re passionate about giving back to the society, and we’re proud of the fact that we’re the only travel agency in Houston who’s involved in serving the African community.

It’s an enriching experience. By travelling with us, you’re not just signing up for an amazing travel experience, and a hassle free visa process for yourself, you’re also investing to make the lives of thousands of people better than yesterday. Feel free to contact us anytime, we’re at your service 24/7.

If there’s a travel agency in Houston that meets the criteria mentioned above, than it’s definitely a good one. You can expect a good experience with them. As mentioned above, do your research so that you’re sure to have a good experience. Spend at least 1-2 days in research comparing different companies. Even the little details count.

If you’re travelling to Africa, be sure to check us out. There’s no one in Houston who can serve you better than us. We’re the Reputable travel agency in Houston that you’re looking for.

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