Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, is a magnificent place to plan your next trip to. It is a gem of a place with Italian architecture adding to its beauty and ancient museums captivating tourists. Travelers consider Asmara as one of the places that are worth visiting in Africa because of the perfect cultural mix that it presents.

Are you looking for cheap flights to Asmara? Search here to find the best and latest travel deals to Asmara. No matter if you are fancying Asmara for its beauty and architecture for a holiday break or short business trip, you can find here a list of airlines that fly to Asmara and select the best option with discounted fares to Asmara.

Africa has a lot to offer to travelers; from beaches to Safaris and deserts to mountain ranges. Discover Asmara. Book your tickets to Eritrea today and plan an unforgettable trip to a place that is always worth a visit.

Asmara is known for its ancient heritage and has various notable religious buildings including the Cathedral and Khulfa-Al-Rashidin Mosque. Asmara museums are a great way to learn about the fascinating historic stories of the region. Various archeological sites around the city are just another way to have a look at first hand ancient artifacts from the history. The city provides an atmosphere of cultural understanding to travelers from all over the world. The opera houses, music centers and theatres in Asmara are an amazing way to learn about the cultural transition from past.

A flight to Asmara can take you to the new world of ancient Italian culture with lifetime experience in a vibrant city. Book your tickets today and get a chance to explore the exotic city of Africa while walking in the bustling streets of the city depicting the beautiful Italian architecture and visiting the local tradition villages. Most interestingly, though you will be travelling in African continent, the city will show you Italian remains from the history.  To explore the true connection between the Asmara and Italian culture, head to the National museum and find out more.

If history does not interest you, you can simple head to Biet Ghiorghis Zoo and have a relaxing day during your trip. Liberation Avenue is just another spot for the peace seekers that has various cafes along side. You can grab a seat at your favorite one and simply enjoy watching the life of Asmara city. Eritreans are famous for their ingenuity in recycling the products. Head to the Medebar Market and watch the artisans converting old things into new one.

Asmara has an Islamic center, which shows the Islamic influence on the city. The Islamic art on the walls of mosque is a peaceful sight to seek in the middle of the bustling city. While there are number of Asmara flights options, decide yours today and get your airline tickets to Asmara in return for low price.

Asmara International airport has 5 airlines operating out of it and at least 35 international flights depart from the airport each week. Asmara International Airport is the most important airport in Eritrea as it is the only airport receiving international flights. You can search and compare prices for not only direct flights to Asmara by your favorite airline but also multi-way flights to Asmara. Multi-way flights are a great way to save money if offered under lowest price combination.

The Eritrea city has an amazing public transport system. Bus stops are present after every few miles are marked clearly, where you can get on a public bus and move around the town. These public or mini busses are a cheap way to travel within city and get to the landmarks of the city. Taxis are another option to travel around the city; however, booking a taxi just for yourself can cost you a lot. Always negotiate the price first with the cab driver.

The city’s center is located 6 km away from the Asmara International Airport. In a half hour ride, the public buses can take you from airport the city center. The buses are quite reasonable and leave for the city after every thirty minutes. While the bus will take you to the city center, you may have to change your bus two or three times to get to your hotel or destined place. A private taxi will drop you right in front of your hotel but it can cost you ten times more than a local transport service cost. Your comfort and feasibility will decide the cost that you will be eager to pay.

Planning to fly to Asmara soon? Don’t forget to check the weather beforehand. Asmara experiences dry season from December to April while the wet season lasts from May to September. The dry season is always considered better for travelling because the temperature is less. Nevertheless, considering the demand, the prices for flights and hotels increase rapidly during the dry season. If you want a low cost trip to Asmara, consider flying in mid-season from July to August when prices are relatively low.

The summer season of Eritrea is famous for Festival Eritrea, which takes place during July and August and is a celebration of everything native from Eritrea. Eritrean food, art, music and culture are highly celebrated. It is a must attend festival if you are travelling between the mentioned months.

Whether it’s the skyline touching the outskirts of skies, busiest streets of the city, pavement cafes or pizza places with arousing aroma all over, Asmara is a gem of a place and is worth your next vacation trip. Enjoy the hiking, cycling and walking up the trails in the mountain ranges of the city and have a peaceful trip with relaxing afternoons in the culturally rich city of Eritrea and crazy nights in the fascinating streets of Asmara. Book your tickets today!

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