Top Five Things To Do in Asmara, Nigeria

Have you ever heard the name Asmara in Africa, sincerely speaking I did not as my geography knowledge is weak, and more so it is a least popular name in the list of tourism Industry.  But you all must be surprised to know that it is famous for its one chief characteristic, it is the safest city in the world.  It has left behind even the cities of Bern, Geneva, Helsinki, Singapore, and Luxemburg.  It is a city where people can leave their doors unbolted while sleeping or while going out of the home.  It is a capital of Eritrea with a beauty of its city is its honest people. And, notwithstanding, there are many things to do too in the bounteous beauty of this place.

There are many sites and landmarks, Fun and Games, Museums, Theater and Concerts and Nature and Parks.

Sites and landmark

The famous of all sites and landmark is Cathedral of Asmara lies at the heart of the city.  It is very beautiful building reflecting the bygone era of war torn Eritrea. It is famous for its architectural design and the serenity of the place generating the positive vibes. It has a gift shop nearby, a great place to do for window shopping or shopping. Not to forget is Al Khulafa Al Rashiudin Mosque having a typical but beautiful building.

Fun and Games

If you are a movie watcher, you would never resist going Cinema Imperio. Built during Italian rule it was adorned with an Italian Architectural style and since then retained its originality.   You enter the building to find posters of the 1930s to 40s era.


To know about the sad moments of Eritrea, place is National Museum Asmara. The museum is a sad introduction to Eritrea. There is modestly presentation of the historical details of Eritrea. And, Sembel Archeological site is worth seeing.

Nature and Parks

The place worth visiting is Denkalya desert considered as a Mars on Earth. It constitutes some salt pounds of different colors like blue, red, violet, green, etc. The weather is very hot around 60 degrees C during day and cold at the night. Excursions should be a well-planned endeavor with local guides.  During normal tips of six days, one must carry six liters of water for a day,

Theater and Concerts

Asmara Theater and Opera House established during Italian rule with its architectural designs reflects the art of the era.  You have access from the main road, and entrance for the open house is through a restaurant where locals can lavish drinks. The inner building is well preserved with magnificent ceiling paintings and many floors.

This is amazing Asmara, an unknown capital city of Eritrea, Africa but with its amazing quality that can lure anyone into its grandeur laps.

Book your tickets to Asmara here…!!!!!!!!

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