How to Fly to South Africa on a Shoestring Budget

Are you tired of spending large heaps of money for flight tickets? Flying doesn’t have to be so expensive – in fact, there are several effective ways for you to run on a shoestring budget. And if you’re planning on flying to South Africa anytime soon, you’ll definitely need to spend your money wisely. Traveling isn’t easy nor cheap, especially considering the intercontinental travel. But, there’s great news for you! Traveling to South Africa on a tight budget isn’t only plausible – but it’s easy. By finding the cheapest flight tickets to South Africa and knowing several methods to help you with your travel, there’s no doubt you’ll be able to travel to South Africa even with a shoestring budget.

So, read this guideline for plenty of tips and advice on making a cheap travel to your next destination – South Africa. And if you’re planning on traveling to South Africa anytime soon – Est Int’l Travel and Tours can definitely help you.

  • Sign Up and Do Some Research

Our first tip? Sign up for frequent flyer programs. Take advantage of your SAA Voyager, if you have one, on the cheap routes and then use them to discount South African Airways flights on expensive routes. In addition, when you’re booking domestic South African flights, check the prices of budget carriers and full service carriers.

In addition, when booking domestic flights – book your outbound and return flight on separate occasions. You want to look for the best deal on each one apart. Nevertheless, when you’re booking an international flight – you’ll want to book your outbound and return tickets together for the same airline. Since you’re traveling internationally – you’ll obviously go with the latter option.

Keep track of the Rand (South African currency) price of oil. The prices of oil do, in fact, reflect on the prices you’ll pay for airlines. And you want the cheapest flight tickets to South Africa, so this tip is almost vital. If there’s a decrease in price of oil, then your price won’t bee too price won’t be too high. However, with an increase of Rand price in oil – you’ll see your ticket pricing go up.

Know the luggage limits for your airline or flight, and make sure your baggage meets the weight limits. If you find that your luggage may exceed the maximum amount, wear as much extra clothing as needed. You definitely don’t want to worry about extra luggage charges.

  • Time Your Booking

Did you know that leaving South Africa Sundays to Thursdays and returning Tuesday to Thursday is usually cheaper during the week? This isn’t necessarily always the case, but it’s a great tip to take home. Moreover, if you want to find the cheapest flight tickets to South Africa – you’ll want to avoid booking on Fridays, days prior to public holidays, days toward the end or start of a school year, and other important milestones throughout the year.

Additionally, make sure you look at local events within your destination area. For instance, flying on April 26, right before South Africa’s “Freedom Day?” Not a good choice – prices will be expensive. And another tip to take home? August is usally the cheapest month to travel to South Africa. There are a lot of different factors to consider, mainly timing, that you’ll have to examine before you book your flight tickets to South Africa.

  • A Few Tips to Keep in Mind

One tip to consider when booking the cheapest flight tickets to South Africa? Book late. That might sound a bit off-point and, well, crazy – but believe it or not, booking late can help you fly cheap to South Africa. It gives you an opportunity to look for specials about a month or two before your departure date. This is a good tip to follow, of course – if you have a flexible schedule. Planes may be struggling to fill up – so, oftentimes, they’ll have specials for customers to take advantage of.

Direct non-stop flights are your best options for finding cheap flight tickets to South Africa. Not only may this affect prices – but additional stops in your route increases the chances of something going wrong. For instance – delayed flights, being stranded in an airport,etc…

As we mentioned earlier, it’s important to know the luggage weight limits for your flight or airline. But, if you’re one of those people that can’t withhold enough clothing in your suitcase, then remember – you can avoid extra baggage charges by finding coupons online for extra luggage. Finding a coupon online may be a cheaper option than finding some at the airport.

  • Once You Get There

When you make it to your destination in South Africa, whether it’s Cape Town or Johannesburg, managing your shoestring budget doesn’t end there. In fact, here’s a bit more information you’ll want to know to travel to South Africa.

Average Cost for One Person to Spend a Day in South Africa

  • $94

Accommodations (Hotels or Hostels)

  • $43 per night

Food and Water

  • $27

Local Transportation (Taxis, Local Buses, Subways, etc.)

  • $26

Entertainment (show tickets, movies, etc.)

  • $15

These prices are just a snapshot to help you prepare for your travel. As you can see, if you’re traveling by yourself – you’ll probably be spending about $94. If you’re traveling with other people, then of course – there are multiple factors to consider. Children, spouses, etc…

There’s no doubt that, once you get to South Africa, you’ll enjoy every minute of it. South Africa is one of the best stops in Africa to visit. The best destinations to visit in South Africa are Kruger National Park, Drakensberg mountain range, and Eastern Cape. In addition, South Africa has beautiful beaches and forests, as well as other must-see landscapes across the country. And if you’re able to get cheap flight tickets to South Africa and travel on a shoestring budget, then your destinations will be ten times sweeter. It’s always great to know you’ll be able to enjoy time while spending money wisely. And remember – Est Iint’l Travel and Tours will help you make it to your destination anytime. Click this link to learn more.

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